Who we are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in 171 countries.
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development.
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In 2022, against the backdrop of the upcoming International Migration Forum Review (IMRF) organized in the framework of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) partnered with the Government of Ireland and key participating states to co-host the inaugural Global Diaspora Summit (GDS). This summit, marking a significant milestone in diaspora engagement, culminated in the adoption of the Dublin Declaration, a comprehensive plan of action aiming to institutionalize and operationalize diaspora capitals across policies, programs, and partnerships within a coherent framework.
The Dublin Declaration, prepared through an inclusive and consultative process, outlines a clear and forward-thinking strategy to support the strategic engagement of diaspora organizations, emphasizing their crucial role in sustainable development. A key recommendation that emerged was to establish a Global Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPA) as a platform to cultivate an inclusive ecosystem of collaboration across governments and stakeholders, empowering diasporas to contribute fully to sustainable development. In 2023, IOM and its partners facilitated a series of multistakeholder consultations, with a total of 250 stakeholders from around the world to discuss the establishment of the GDPA, including diaspora groups, member states, the private sector, youth, and academia.
The International Conference on the Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement is to bring together the supporters of the Dublin Declaration to glean insights from leading-edge practices in diaspora engagement. Additionally, the conference seeks to inaugurate the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance. This alliance is envisioned as a pivotal foundation for crafting the future roadmap of global diaspora engagement initiatives.
The GDPA through its dedicated Technical Working Groups, focusing on Gender and Youth, Climate Action, and Health and Well-being, aims to serve as a networked tool for facilitating concrete solutions for the empowerment of diasporas around the world. It will complement existing platforms, including those at regional and continental levels, and prioritize diaspora engagement in global development policy frameworks, accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Panel Discussions
- Panel 1 - Building Bridges: Diaspora Partnerships, Governance and Ecosystems
- Panel 2 - Transnational Solutions in Health: Concrete Results for Development
- Panel 3 - Emerging Forces: Diaspora Youth and Women’s Unique Talent and Skills
- Panel 4 - Blue & Green Innovators and Investors: Diaspora Driving Sustainable Solutions
- Panel 5 - Multistakeholder Dialogue: Diaspora Members and Private Sector Partners
GDPA Terms of Reference
- Global Diaspora Policy Alliance: Final Draft Terms of Reference June 2024
- Final Draft Terms of Reference Technical Working Groups (TWGs) June 2024
Members of GDPA
Countries and organizations that approved the GDPA Terms of Reference:
African Union, Armenia, Cabo Verde, Colombia, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan.
Diaspora Investor Guide (in Portuguese)
The Guide explores the significant role of remittances from Cape Verdean emigrants and details the tax and customs incentives designed to encourage Diaspora investment in Cape Verde. It highlights key business opportunities, strategies for international expansion, and financial support mechanisms aimed at bolstering the country's economic development.
Read more
Key Resources and Tools
Diaspora Mapping Toolkit
This Toolkit presents a systematic, comprehensive yet very flexible and agile approach to conducting diaspora mappings in differing contexts. By following the proposed clear guidance on how to collect and analyse data on diaspora communities, decision makers will have the possibility to create more strategic and evidence-based policies empowering diaspora members to contribute and engage thus maximizing their contributions to development.
Download Diaspora Mapping Toolkit
Contributions and Counting
“Contributions and Counting: Guidance on Measuring the Economic Impact of your Diaspora beyond Remittances” aims to provide guidance to governments and national and local authorities looking to understand and measure the economic contributions made by their diasporas to their countries of origin – beyond financial remittances.
Contributions and Counting
Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development
This handbook is both a source of information and a practical guide for governments thinking of introducing or improving their diaspora-focused policies, programs, and/or institutions.
Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development
Empowering Global Diasporas in the Digital Era
This publication showcases important initiatives undertaken by diasporas to contribute to their societies and to sustainable development digitally during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Empowering Global Diasporas in the Digital Era
Diasporas at the forefront of social protection
This publication explores how diaspora leaders and organizations contribute to informal social protection measures in areas such as unemployment, pensions, family benefits, minimum resources, and health benefits.
Diasporas at the forefront of social protection
Global Diaspora Summit Report
This report aspires to capture the consensuses, conclusions, insights, and practices discussed at the Summit, as well as within the ongoing GCM review processes and the broader contemporary literature on diaspora engagement. It provides a snapshot of global progress towards GCM Objective 19, whilst furnishing reflections on how States can continue to build on progress to keep GCM Objective 19 firmly in sight.
Global Diaspora Summit Report
A Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement (The Dublin Declaration)
The Dublin Declaration, prepared through an inclusive and consultative process, is a culmination of the inaugural Global Diaspora Summit (GDS) and it outlines a clear and forward-thinking strategy to support the strategic engagement of diaspora organizations, emphasizing their crucial role in sustainable development.
A Future Agenda of Action for Global Diaspora Engagement (The Dublin Declaration)
Regional Consultations: Towards the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance
This report summarizes the key information shared during the four regional consultations held in 2023. The objective of this report is to update key partners on the progress made during the consultative process aimed at establishing the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPA).
Regional Consultations: Towards the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance
Framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance
The Framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance is a suggested guide to support more streamlined coordination among diasporas and institutional humanitarian actors, to promote more effective humanitarian assistance to affected people and communities worldwide.
Framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance
The Future of Diasporas
This publication crystalizes successful collaboration across disciplines, areas of expertise and geographic regions to shed light on the potential of diasporas for development and the need to keep investing in and calling upon these communities, which have invaluable potential for both countries of origin and residence.
The Future of Diasporas
Public Sector Synergies, Private Sector Alliances and Diaspora to Diaspora Collaboration
This paper outlines the insights, recommendations, and key highlights from three Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges on powerful transnational partnerships, aiming to boost diaspora engagement for development. The core focus of the global exchanges was on public sector synergies, private sector alliances, and diaspora to diaspora collaboration. These exchanges aim to foster the self-mobilization and empowerment of diaspora.
Public Sector Synergies, Private Sector Alliances and Diaspora to Diaspora Collaboration
Impactful Skills, Effective Strategies and Innovative Tools
This paper outlines the insights, recommendations, and key highlights from Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges on communication. The core focus of the global exchanges was on refining communication techniques, strategic frameworks, and cutting-edge tools within project management. By providing concrete strategies on how to enhance communication skills, and implement new tools, stakeholders can maximize the impact of their transnational initiatives.
Impactful Skills, Effective Strategies and Innovative Tools
Maximizing Diaspora Engagement
This paper outlines the insights, recommendations, and key highlights from Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges on Building Trust, Mobilizing Resources and Ensuring Sustainability. The exchanges explored the best practices across the regions and unpacked concerns and opportunities in supporting diaspora to reach their full potential.
Maximizing Diaspora Engagement
iDiaspora Journal: My Insights and Reflections on Diaspora Engagement
The iDiaspora Journal: Reflections on Diaspora Engagement is a unique tool to reflect deeply on the impact and potential of global diaspora communities. Designed as a personal and introspective journey, this journal will guide readers in understanding how diasporas contribute to both their host and home societies, enhancing the global dynamism and promise of migration.
iDiaspora Journal: My Insights and Reflections on Diaspora Engagement
Global Diasporas reacting to the COVID-19 crisis
This report brings together best practices of diasporas responding to the COVID-19 crisis in the African, American, Asian, and European regions. It highlights key insights shared during three organized Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges, which provided a collaborative platform for diaspora groups worldwide to share their strategies and experiences in addressing the pandemic. These events enabled diasporas to showcase their efforts and strengthen synergies with policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders involved in integrating migrant communities during the COVID-19 crisis.
Global Diasporas reacting to the COVID-19 crisis