
IOM Tracks New Displacement in Burundi

Burundi - IOM Burundi has released its second Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) report for three provinces - Makamba, Kirundo and Rutana. It shows a total of 25,081 internally displaced persons (IDPs), of whom 46 per cent are men and 54 per cent women.

Some 60.5 per cent of the displaced are under 18. Another 34 per cent are between 18 and 59 and 5.5 per cent are over 60. Eighty-six per cent fled because of the socio-political situation, 9 per cent because of natural disasters and 5 per cent for other reasons.

Some 70 per cent of the displaced are staying with host families, 18 per cent are renting a house, 9 per cent sought refuge in emptied or vacant houses and 3 per cent found other solutions.

Burundi has experienced displacement since the second half of 2015, due to political instability and more recently natural disasters.

IOM Burundi launched its DTM in September 2015 to systematically collect, compile and analyze data on the displacement situation. Its main objective was to establish a comprehensive system to collect and disseminate data on IDPs and host communities, to inform the government and the humanitarian community of their needs.

IOM released its first DTM report in October 2015 covering the two provinces of Makamba and Kirundo, where a total of 14,804 IDPs were recorded and profiled.

The project is implemented in close collaboration with the Burundian Red Cross, whose presence on the ground facilitates access to communities, and the National Platform of Risk Prevention and Disaster Management (Plate-forme Nationale de Prévention des Risques et de Gestion des Catastrophes).

For further information, please contact Kristina Mejo at IOM Burundi, Tel: +257.71256332, Email: