Cécile Kyenge Kashetu
Minister for Integration (Italy)

Holding the profession of ophthalmologist, H.E. Kyenge has been engaged in the associationism and promotion of full citizenship of immigrants. She promoted and coordinated healthcare projects such as the AFIA project in Lubumbashi.  She has been chair of the DAWA Intercultural Association, of the ‘Giù le Frontiere’ Association and has also worked with the international policy study centre CESPI of Rome.  She was the national spokesperson for Primo Marzo network and had active involvement in many campaigns.

In 2004, she was elected Councillor in Modena, Ward 3, and subsequently became provincial representative for the Democratic Party (PD) in the Forum for International and Immigration Cooperation, PD provincial councillor in the Commission for Welfare and Social Policies and regional alderman for the immigration policies of the PD.  
On 25 February 2013, she was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, XVII legislature, thereafter being appointed Minister for Integration in this legislature.