
IOM Helps Haitians in the Dominican Republic Wanting to Return Home and Start Micro Enterprises

In the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake, approximately
200,000 displaced Haitians crossed into the Dominican Republic in
search of medical assistance, job opportunities, family
reunification and relief from the post-disaster conditions in

Since then, many have chosen to return to Haiti.  The IOM
Assisted Voluntary Return Programme or AVR, carried out in
coordination with the Dominican Republic's General Directorate of
Migration (DGM by its Spanish acronym) and the Dominican Ministry
of Interior and Police, is providing a genuine lifeline for these

Jean Philippe Antolin, Manager of IOM's Assisted Voluntary
Return Programme in the Dominican Republic explains why these
Haitian migrants are eagerly returning to their country. "The fact
is that these are very low income people - 90 per cent of them have
no education.  Many have been here since January 2010 or
longer, but still have no access to education because they live in
remote areas.  Health care is very difficult, because although
they have access to health, they do not have the money to buy the
medicines.  There is no access to income generating
activities, no jobs."

Working with Casa Caribe, Hermanas Juanistas and AMURTEL, three
experienced NGO partners, IOM has carried out registration in 23
points in the Dominican Republic and return to 31 points inside

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Maria Paredes, IOM Field Coordinator for the Assisted Voluntary
Return Programme, says: "The IOM team doesn't just come to the
field to register them; the IOM team interviews each person or
family, we explain the programme, we get to know their situation,
we verify their story, and once this process is completed, then we
proceed with the actual registration."

The AVR process - identification, registration, movement,
reception and reintegration - begins with a meeting with potential
returnees to explain the programme. IOM staff emphasize that
everyone can change their mind on going back home at any time.

Since the programme began in September 2010 with funding from
the U.S. State Department, Bureau of Population, Refugees and
Migration (PRM), IOM has assisted 1,721 persons to return to their
places of origin in Haiti.

Currently the programme is focusing on helping the especially
vulnerable Haitian migrants - those who are in a desperate
situation, who do not have access to food or education.

IOM expects to assist another 1,000 persons.  But the
demand is so great that IOM is actively seeking funding to continue
the voluntary return programme.

On the scheduled day for return, IOM ensures that the returnees
are accompanied by Creole-speaking staff on every stage of the
process, which includes escort and assistance in clearing customs
and border controls, transportation assistance to their final
destination in Haiti.

IOM also issues beneficiary identification to be used in
accessing reintegration services in Haiti, a stipend of US$50 per
beneficiary for initial costs, a stipend of US$65 per child
delivered to every mother to support child maintenance, in addition
to providing awareness-raising on cholera-prevention and Oral
Rehydration Salts (ORS), soap, and water purification
sachets.  On behalf of IOM, NGOs deliver education grants of
up to US$150 per child of schooling age which is paid directly to

Once back home, during the reintegration stage, returnees
receive access to business training and capital (US$200 per adult)
to start a micro-enterprise (sums vary according to the number of
adults and/or children in each household), as well as access to an
income generation scheme supported by IOM and operated by IOM
counterparts. Follow-up is carried out by IOM partner NGOs and/or
IOM staff.

Antolin adds: "Many of the micro-enterprises have become quite
successful with participants now able to make investments in other
assets, such as goats and chickens.  They have started
businesses selling clothing, shoes, raw and prepared foods, and
other goods.  And some beneficiaries have joined forces in
order to expand their business possibilities."

Broadcasters please note: a broadcast quality video news release
with a written script is available for download from the IOM Video
Vault at: "" target=
"_blank" title=

For more information about this IOM programme, please

Zoe Stopak-Behr,

IOM Santo Domingo

Tel: +1 809 688 81 74

E-mail: "">