Delivering on the Promise of Migration for the Green Transition: Leveraging Labour Pathways to Boost Green Skills, Jobs and Economies

The transition to a more sustainable economy coincides with profound shifts in demographics and labour markets, resulting in skills and labour gaps that extend beyond traditional shortages seen in high-income countries, increasingly affecting developing countries. At the same time, the accelerating transition towards low-carbon emission societies amid rising climate risks is shifting the demand for greener and more sustainable jobs, emphasized in the projected number of jobs created by the just transition, ranging from 24 million by 2030 to 300 million by 2050.

This event will look at the potential of regular labour migration to deliver on the promise of migration in the context of the green transition. Particularly, it will focus on how labour migration can address the needs of origin and destination countries and include the perspectives of the private sector and civil society. It will align with objectives 2 and 3 of IOM’s Strategic Plan, highlighting that the just transition affects and is affected by humanitarian contexts. The event is placed in a broader setting of harnessing the potential of migration in the context of climate change and the green transition by reducing barriers, creating incentives and leveraging regular pathways to reduce disruptions and unintended consequences of labour market changes. Labour pathways offer an opportunity to drive economic development, innovation and growth for employers and migrants contributing to sustainable livelihoods. The scope of the event will extend beyond migrant workers and include displaced talent mobility and skills components following diaspora engagement.

In line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 13 and 17, the event – co-organized with the International Organisation for Employers, with speakers from Australia, a training institution, diaspora and the Migration Policy Institute – will bring together different perspectives on migration for the just transition and how migration can fill labour gaps alongside innovatively boosting green skills, jobs and economies in both origin and destination countries.  


This side event will gather high level representatives from Member States, the UN, private sector and civil society; to discuss the role of migration for the green transition, focusing on a developing perspective, in line with this year’s theme of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF): “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”.

Building on increasingly tightening labour markets and demographic transitions, this side event will provide a platform for a broad range of stakeholders from across regions for sharing innovative mechanisms and lessons learned from practice to showcase and inform the potential of labour migration to contribute to the 2030 agenda, focusing on SDGs 13 and 17. 


This event is organized within the framework of the HLPF and is open to all online registered participants. This includes participants from intergovernmental organizations, entities and bodies, associate members of regional commissions, specialized agencies and related organizations, non-governmental organizations, major groups and other relevant stakeholders. The side event will be held online.

Please note that the event will be held in English only (no interpretation available) and that in-person participation of the HLPF is not necessary to attend this side event. 


High Level Political Forum 2024
IOM Side Event
10 July 2024 

9:00 - 9:15
Welcome and opening remarks
Michele Klein-Solomon, IOM Director a.i., Department of Data, Insight, and Policy Coordination
9:15 - 9:20
Introduction of panelists
Moderator introduces the panelists
9:20 - 9:50
First round of questions
Moderated panel featuring representatives from Member States and civil society
9:50 - 10:20
Plenary discussion
10:20 - 10:30
Closing remarks


High Level Political Forum 2024 – Delivering on the Promise of Migration for the Green Transition: Leveraging Labour Pathways to Boost Green Skills, Jobs and Economies

Wednesday 10 July 2024 | 09.00 to 10.30 (Eastern Daylight Time) 

Register Here

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