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Displacement in Iraq Exceeds 3.3 Million: IOM
Iraq - The latest IOM Iraq Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has identified 3,320,844 internally displaced Iraqis (553,474 families) from 1 January 2014 through 4 February 2016.
Considering the available information and the DTM methodology, the UN Humanitarian Country Team maintains the humanitarian response planning figures at 3.3 million internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Three governorates host nearly half of the identified IDP population: Baghdad 18 percent (602,628 individuals), Anbar 17 percent (574,764), and Dahuk 12 percent (404,424). Other governorates hosting large IDP populations are Kirkuk 11 percent (377,208), Erbil 11 percent (360,522), Ninewa 8 percent (259,962) and Salah al-Din 5 percent (180,594).
From 7 January 2016 to 4 February 2016, the number of displaced Iraqis increased in Ninewa governorate (12,114 individuals), Salah al-Din governorate (7,578), and Anbar governorate (3,264) due to ongoing military operations.
A total of 534,048 individuals are reported to have returned to their location of origin; this figure indicates an increase of 6 percent (31,662 individuals) since early January. Salah al-Din governorate has experienced the highest percentage of returns with 257,694 individuals.
IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Thomas Lothar Weiss said: “The massive humanitarian crisis in Iraq exceeds humanitarian actors’ current capacity to provide the needed levels of humanitarian assistance. Additional funding, human resources and support are critically needed to alleviate the deprivation and challenging living arrangements displaced Iraqis encounter. IOM will continue cooperating with the UN Humanitarian Country Team (UNHCT), humanitarian partners, government authorities and our donors, to offer aid to displaced Iraqis throughout the country.”
The DTM information package, including maps of IDP locations and population, and shelter arrangements, has been developed by IOM in coordination with the UNHCT to provide an inclusive update on the situation of IDPs in Iraq. The DTM is funded by the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).
The most recent IOM Iraq DTM Dataset, Dashboards, Dynamic Displacement Map and previous DTM products can be found at: http://iomiraq.net/dtm-page
For further information please contact IOM Iraq. Sandra Black, Tel. +964 751 234 2550, Email: sblack@iom.int or Laura Nistri, Email: lnistri@iom.int