Who we are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in 171 countries.
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development.
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- 2030 Agenda
IOM prioritizes whole-of-government, whole-of-society approaches to safely connect people, goods, services, knowledge and innovation.
In a context where the promise to leave no one behind and the Sustainable Development Goals are in danger of not being realized, IOM works to unleash the potential of migration by assisting States to establish, expand and enhance regular migration pathways, while reducing irregular migration.
We will support governments to realize their development priorities through migration, from eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities to shaping sustainable cities and societies. Leaving no one behind will require IOM to advocate the integration of migrants and migration across development planning.
IOM will work with partners to make existing and new regular pathways accessible and inclusive to enable more individuals to benefit from opportunities for development and protection. Increased numbers of people, including youth and people with disabilities, will be able to access opportunities for education and work outside of their countries of birth and to reunite with family. We will prepare migrants for safe, legal and successful migration prior to leaving their country of origin.
IOM will strive to position social protection and health coverage for migrants in global, regional and national agendas, recognizing them as vehicles to reduce inequalities and maximize migrants’ contributions to societies. We will promote comprehensive health programmes and work along migration pathways to build communities’ health resilience, enhance health security and strengthen migration health governance.
As migrant communities continue to grow, IOM will facilitate diaspora engagement to leverage migrants’ economic, human and social contributions through the use of big data, machine learning and other innovative methodologies.
IOM will facilitate governments’ access to the latest border management technology, systems and procedures to achieve safer and seamless cross-border movement and to reduce irregular migration. We will also increase access to legal identity through technical assistance related to national civil registration, identity management systems and consular services.
Through scaling up services, IOM will be ready to provide protection and assistance to migrants vulnerable to violence, exploitation and abuse, and we will develop institutional capacity to ensure the sustainability of our comprehensive programming to prevent and address migrant smuggling and human trafficking.
In countries requiring operational support, IOM will facilitate safe, dignified and the rights-based return, readmission and sustainable reintegration of migrants into their countries of origin, or third countries.
At all stages, we will address the intersecting forms of discrimination, exclusion and exploitation which impede migrants’ ability to exercise their rights and contribute to sustainable development. To stop unjust scapegoating and clear the road ahead for transformative change, IOM will work with partners to achieve a fundamental shift in migration-related narratives.
For long-term impact, IOM will double down on our role as a facilitator of South–South and triangular cooperation, promoting South–South regional integration and interregional collaboration through the State-led inter-State consultation mechanisms on migration.