Who we are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in 171 countries.
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Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development.
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Overlaps in ISCMs' thematic and geographic focus
Geographic coverage of ISCMs
Over 200 countries and territories are members of at least one inter-State consultation mechanism on migration (ISCM). Most countries participate in more than one ISCM. Countries in the same geographical or political region may participate in more than one ISCMs addressing the same or similar regions.
ISCMs are initiated by States to address common issues of migration management and it is possible to have several ISCMs (regional level ISCMs are called Regional Consultative Processes on Migration or RCPs) in one given region which may have different thematic focuses but full or partial overlaps in geographical coverage.
Overlaps may allow for ISCMs to synergize.
The map Country Participation Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms on Migration (ISCMs) shows which ISCMs a given country participates in as a Member. It also shows the same country's participation in political and economic unions, since the latter may either be formally associated with certain ISCMs or be important ISCM partners.
Thematic focus of ISCMs and thematic overlaps
ISCMs may also address the same issues and have thematic overlaps. Same or similar thematic foci allow for ISCMs to synergize and cooperate in the concurring areas if migration governance.
The below tables show the thematic foci of the ISCMs per ISCM and per thematic focus.
ISCM Thematic Focus Chart by Area of Focus
Area of focus | ISCM |
Asylum |
Almaty Process ARCP EaP Panel on migration IGC Khartoum Process Prague Process Rabat Process RCM Quito Process |
Border management |
ACP-EU Dialogue ASEM AU-HoAI CMC EaP Panel EU-CELAC IGAD-RCP IGC Khartoum Process MiDIOCC MIDSA MIDWA PAFOM PIDC Puebla Process Rabat Process RIAM |
Brain drain |
Capacity-building |
Counter discrimination |
Budapest Process RCM |
Counter migrant smuggling |
Counter-trafficking |
AU-HoAI Almaty Process CMC EaP panel on migration IGAD-RCP MIDCAS MiDIOCC MIDSA MIDWA RCM Rabat Process SACM ACP-EU Dialogue ASEM Conference Bali Process Budapest Process EU-CELAC Khartoum Process MiDIOCC RIAM Quito Process |
Diaspora |
Forced displacement |
Khartoum Process Rabat Process |
Global Compact for Migration |
Almaty Process ARCP Colombo Process MIDSA MIDWA MIDCOM Prague Process RCM SACM ADD Bali Process Budapest Process Khartoum Process Rabat Process IGC PAFOM GFMD IDM |
Humanitarian emergency preparedness |
Human mobility |
Almaty Process Bali Process GFMD IGAD-RCP Budapest Process Rabat Process |
Information systems | OCAM |
International protection | Budapest Process |
Irregular migration |
Almaty Process ARCP EaP panel on migration IGAD-RCP MIDCAS MiDIOCC MIDSA MIDWA MIDCOM Prague Process ADD ASEM Conference Bali Process Budapest Process EU-CELAC Khartoum Process Rabat Process PAFOM PIDC RCM GFMD |
Legal migration |
Budapest Process Rabat Process MIDWA Prague Process |
Labour migration |
ADD ASEM Conference CMC OCAM Colombo Process COMMIT EaP panel on migration EU-CELAC GFMD FIBEMYD IGAD-RCP MIDCAS MIDSA MIDWA MIDCOM Quito Process Prague Process RCM |
Migrant integration |
Almaty Process ARCP MIDCAS RCM SACM 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration Bali Process Budapest process EU-CELAC IGC Quito Process |
Migrant protection | GFMD |
Migrants' Rights |
5 + 5 Dialogue Almaty Process ARCP Bali Process Colombo Process EaP panel on migration EU-CELAC FIBEMYD IGC Khartoum Process MIDCAS MIDCOM MIDSA MIDWA OCAM RCM Quito Process SACM |
Migrants in vulnerable situations |
Almaty Process ASEM Conference Bali Process RCM |
Migration and development |
ARCP CMC OCAM Colombo Process IGAD RCP MIDCAS MIDSA MIDCOM MiDIOCC PIDC Prague Process RCM SACM 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration ADD ASEM Conference Budapest Process EU-CELAC Khartoum Process Rabat Process FIBEMYD PAFOM GFMD |
Migration and gender |
Colombo Process 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration Quito Process RCM |
Migration and Security |
Migration data and statistics |
5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration ARCP CMC EU-CELAC IGAD-RCP IGC Khartoum Process MIDCAS MIDCOM MiDIOCC MIDWA OCAM PIDC Prague Process RCM RIAM SACM |
Migration and health |
5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration CMC Colombo Process FIBEMYD MIDCAS MIDCOM MiDIOCC MIDSA RCM Quito Process |
Migration management |
Migration policy and governance |
Almaty Process ARCP Budapest Process OCAM EaP panel on migration IGAD RCP MIDSA MIDWA MIDCOM PIDC Prague Process RCM Budapest Process FIBEMYD IGC PAFOM GFMD IDM |
Migration, environment and climate change |
Migration trends / drivers of migration |
Almaty Process |
Mixed migration |
Multi-stakeholder engagement (private and / or civil society) |
Bali Process GFMD RCM |
Partnerships and cooperation on migration |
5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration GFMD IDM IGAD-RCP OCAM Prague Process Quito Process |
Public awareness on migration | 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration |
Refugees and protection |
Almaty Process CMC EaP Panel on Migration FIBEMYD IGAD-RCP IGC MIDCOM Rabat Process RCM Quito Process |
Regular migration | 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration |
Remittances |
Return, reintegration, readmissions |
ACP-EU Dialogue Bali Process Budapest Process EU-CELAC IGAD-RCP IGC Khartoum Process MIDCAS MIDSA MIDWA Rabat Process RCM |
Statelessness | RCM |
Sustainable development goals | GFMD |
Technology |
Transit migration | 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration |
Unaccompanied or separated migrant boys, girls and adolescents |
ASEM Conference MIDSA RCM |
ISCM Thematic Focus Chart by ISCM
ISCM Name and Acronym | ISCM Areas of Focus |
5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean |
Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration and gender Migration and health Migration data and statistics Migration management Partnerships and cooperation on migration Public awareness on migration Regular migration Transit migration |
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) - European Union (EU) Dialogue on Migration |
Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Remittances Return, reintegration, readmission |
Almaty Process on Refugee Protection and International Migration |
Asylum Counter-trafficking Human mobility Irregular Migration Migrant Integration Migrants in vulnerable situations Migrants' rights Migration management Migration policy and governance Migration trends / drivers of migration Refugees and protection |
Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration and Refugee Affairs (ARCP) |
Asylum Brain Drain Capacity-building Irregular Migration Migrant integration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration data and statistics Migration management Migration policy and governance Mixed migration Remittances |
Asia - European Union Meeting's (ASEM) Conference of the Directors General of Immigration and Management of Migratory Flows |
Border management Counter-trafficking Irregular migration Labour migration Migrants in vulnerable situations Migration and development Unaccompanied or separated migrant boys, girls and adolescents |
AU- Horn of Africa Initiative on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling |
Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking |
Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime |
Counter-trafficking Human mobility Irregular migration Migrant integration Migrants in vulnerable situations Migrant rights Multi-stakeholder engagement (private and / or civil society) |
Budapest Process |
Counter discrimination Counter-trafficking Human mobility Irregular migration International protection Legal migration Migrant integration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration policy and governance Return, reintegration, readmission |
Caribbean Migration Consultations (CMC) |
Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Diaspora Emergency preparedness and response Labour migration Migration and development Migration and health Migration data and statistics Migration, environment and climate change Refugees and protection |
Central American Commission of Migration Directors (OCAM) |
Labour migration Information systems Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration data and statistics Migration policy and governance Partnerships and cooperation on migration Security |
Colombo Process: Regional Consultative Process on Overseas Employment and Contractual Labor for Countries of Origin in Asia |
Consular support Labour migration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration and gender Migration and health Pre-departure orientation Remittances Sustainable development goals |
Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against Trafficking (COMMIT Process) |
Counter-trafficking Counter migrant smuggling Labour migration
Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration, Mobility and Integrated Border Management (EaP Panel on Migration) |
Asylum Border management Counter-trafficking Irregular migration Labour migration Migrants' rights Migration policy and governance Refugees and protection |
EU-Horn of Africa Migration Route Initiative (Khartoum Process) |
Asylum Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Forced displacement Irregular migration Migration and development Migration management Return, reintegration, readmission |
Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development (Rabat Process) |
Asylum Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Forced displacement Human mobility Irregular migration Legal migration Migration and development Refugees and protection Return, reintegration, readmission |
European Union - Latin America and the Caribbean Structured and Comprehensive Bi-regional Dialogue on Migration (EU-CELAC) |
Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Irregular migration Labour migration Migrant integration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration data and statistics Remittances Return, reintegration, readmission |
Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) |
Human mobility Irregular migration Labour migration Migrant protection Migration and development Migration management Migration policy and governance Multi-stakeholder engagement (private and / or civil society) Partnership and cooperation on migration Remittances Sustainable development goals |
Ibero-American Forum on Migration and Development (FIBEMYD) |
Labour migration Migrants’ rights Migration and development Migration management Refugees and protection Remittances |
Ibero-American Network of Migration Authorities (RIAM) |
Border management Counter-trafficking Migration data and statistics Migration management Technology |
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Regional Consultative Process on Migration (IGAD-RCP) |
Border management Capacity-building Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Human mobility Internally displaced persons Irregular migration Labour migration Migrant integration Migration and development Migration data and statistics Migration policy and governance Migration, environment and climate change Migration management Partnerships and cooperation on migration Refugees and protection Return, reintegration and readmission Technology |
International Technical Meeting on Human Mobility of Venezuelan Citizens in the Region (Quito Process) |
Counter-discrimination Counter-trafficking Counter migrant smuggling Labour migration Migrants' rights Migrant integration Migration and health Migration and gender Partnership and cooperation on migration Refugees and protection Unaccompanied or separated migrant boys, girls and adolescents |
Inter-Governmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC) |
Asylum Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Immigration Irregular migration Migrant integration Migration data and statistics Return, reintegration, readmission Refugees and protection Technology |
Migration Dialogue for Central African States (MIDCAS) |
Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Irregular migration Labour migration Migrant integration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration and health Migration and security Migration data and statistics Migration, environment and climate change Mixed migration Return, reintegration and readmission |
Migration Dialogue for Indian Ocean Commission Countries (MiDIOCC) |
Counter-trafficking Counter migrant smuggling Border management Diaspora Irregular migration Labour migration Migration data and statistics Migration and health Migration, environment and climate change Security Sustainable development goals |
Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA) |
Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Irregular migration Labour migration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration and health Migration policy and governance Return, reintegration, readmission Unaccompanied or separated migrant boys, girls and adolescents |
Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA) |
Border management Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Diaspora Irregular migration Labour migration Legal migration Migrants' rights Migration data and statistics Migration, environment and climate change Migration management Mixed migration Return, reintegration, readmission Security |
Migration Dialogue from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Member States (MIDCOM) |
Capacity-building Irregular migration Labour migration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration and health Migration data and statistics Migration management Migration policy and governance Refugees and protection |
Ministerial Consultation on Overseas Employment and Contractual Labor for Countries of Origin and Destination in Asia (Abu Dhabi Dialogue) |
Capacity-building Irregular migration Labour migration Migration and development Migration management Remittances |
Pacific Immigration Directors' Conference (PIDC) |
Border management Irregular migration Migration data and statistics Migration policy and governance Partnerships and cooperation on migration |
Pan-African Forum on Migration (PAFOM) |
Border management Irregular migration Migration and development Migration management Migration policy and governance |
Prague Process |
Asylum Irregular migration Labour migration Legal migration Migration and development Partnership and cooperation on migration |
Regional Conference on Migration (RCM or Puebla Process) |
Asylum Border management Counter discrimination Counter-trafficking Counter migrant smuggling Diaspora Irregular migration Labour migration Migrant boys, girls, and adolescents Migrant integration Migrants in vulnerable situations Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration and gender Migration and health Migration and tourism Migration data and statistics Migration policy and governance Migration, environment and climate change Mixed migration Private sector engagement Refugees and protection Remittances Return, reintegration and readmission Statelessness |
South American Conference on Migration (SACM) |
Counter migrant smuggling Counter-trafficking Diaspora Migrant integration Migrants' rights Migration and development Migration data and statistics |
Overlaps in ISCM and IGO memberships
Often ISCMs have formal associations with intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) - mostly political and economic unions. Political and economic unions, regional organizations or other IGOs may be members or observers of ISCMs.
The interactive map Overlaps in ISCMs and IGOs allows to track membership overlaps among ISCMs and various IGOs.
* All maps, charts and tables are for illustrative purposes: names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
** ISCMs or IGOs may admit new members or suspend membership of certain countries. These maps are as of 2020.
*** ISCMs may change their thematic foci, these tables are as of 2020.