Who we are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in 171 countries.
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development.
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- Data and Research
- 2030 Agenda
Type: Inter-regional forum on migration (Regions covered: Europe - Africa)
Formal association with regional or multi-stakeholder organization: Union for the Mediterranean and Western Mediterranean Forum
Established: 2002
The Western Mediterranean Forum or 5+5 Dialogue was officially launched in Rome in 1990 as an informal sub-regional forum of like-minded countries, geographically situated on the western rim of the Euro-Mediterranean littoral. The Western Mediterranean Forum includes parliamentary reunions (Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean) and sectoral reunions, with one of the most notable being the 5 + 5 Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean.
The 5+5 Dialogue on Migration in the Western Mediterranean has a forward-looking agenda on information exchange, joint management of international borders, agreed forms of labor migration, migration for development, and protection of the rights of migrants.
Current Thematic Focus
- Combatting human trafficking
- Irregular migration
- Labor migration: vocational training, diasporas
- Migrant integration
- Migrants' rights and obligations
- Migration and development
- Migration and gender
- Migration and health
- Data migration
- Partnership and cooperation on migration
- Public awareness on migration
- Regular migration
- Transit migration
Chairing Country
Current Chair: Tunisia and Spain
Past Chairs: Morocco, Mauritania, Portugal, Italy"
No official secretariat. The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean facilitates the regional cooperation projects identified within the framework of the Western Mediterranean Forum. In the past, IOM has provided technical and logistical support upon request.
- Members
10 Member States
- Algeria
- France
- Italy
- Libya
- Malta
- Mauritania
- Morocco
- Portugal
- Spain
- Tunisia
- Observers
3 Observer Organizations
- Meetings
- March 1-2, 2020, Marrakesh, Morocco, 8th Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development
- June 13, 2016, Rabat, Morocco, Expert-level preparatory Meeting for the 8th Ministerial Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean ”.
- May 2016, Barcelona, Spain, IMed Meeting “The 5 + 5 Dialogue as a Mechanism of Integration and Regional Cooperation”
- October 5-6, 2012, Malta, Second Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Western Mediterranean Forum.
- December 13, 2010, Tripoli, Libya, 7th Ministerial Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean.
- February 2009, Tunisia, Expert workshop on circular migration,
- May 26-27, 2008, Évora, Portugal, 5th Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean.
- September 10-11, 2007, Madrid, Spain, Meeting of the follow-up group of the ministerial conference on migration.
- December 12 -13, 2006, Algeciras, Spain, 5th Ministerial Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean “Towards a Global Approach to Migration Processes”.
- November 9-10, 2005, Paris, France, Fourth Ministerial Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean.
- September 15-16, 2004, Algiers, Algeria, Third Ministerial Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean.
- December 5- 6, 2003, Tunis, Tunisia, First Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Western Mediterranean Forum.
- October 22 - 23, 2003, Rabat, Morocco, 2nd Ministerial Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean.
- October 15-16, 2002, Tunis, Tunisia, First Ministerial Conference on Migration in the Western Mediterranean.
- Documents
- The 5 + 5 Dialogue as a Mechanism of Integration and Regional Cooperation: For a Common Reflection on the Western Mediterranean (2016)
- Malta Declaration (2012)
- Migration and Religion, Rabat 2005 ( EN | FR )
- IOM, Migration Dynamics and Dialogue in the Western Mediterranean
- World Migration Report 2005
- Synthesis Report: Migration and Development (Tunis 2002) ( EN | FR )
- Synthesis Report: integration policies and the role of national and local actors in the countries of origin and in receiving countries (Tunis 2002) ( EN | FR )
- Tunis Declaration, October 2002
- Related links
- Contact information
No dedicated website