Who we are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in 171 countries.
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development.
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- Data and Research
- 2030 Agenda
Type: Regional Consultative Process on Migration
Region: North and Central America
Established: 1996
The RCM is a Regional Consultative Process (RCP), that is voluntary, non-binding and operates by consensus. It provides a space for respectful, frank and honest discussions among Member Countries on regional and international migration, ensuring greater coordination, transparency, and cooperation.
This multilateral forum works to foster regional efforts to strengthen migration governance; protect the human rights of migrants, especially of those in vulnerable situations; promote appropriate linkages between migration and sustainable development; define strategic priorities; and address the main challenges the region faces regarding migration; as well as strengthening, modernizing and managing borders.
Current Thematic Pillars
1. Migration Governance:
- Generation and use of migration data
- Integrated border management
- Addressing extra-regional migration
- Promoting safe, orderly and regular migration
- Preventing and countering the smuggling of migrants
- Preventing and combating trafficking in persons
- Regularization, visas and travel documentation
- Return
- Effective systems of response to emergencies or migratory crises
2. Integration, Migration and its links to development:
- Labor migration
- Migration and tourism
- Economic development and availability of opportunitites in countries of origin
- Integration and reintegration of migrants
- Private sector and migration
- Remittances
- Diasporas
- Economic benefits of migration
- Portability of rights
- Prevention of xenophobia
- Interculturality
3. Protection, preparedness, assistance and Irregular Migration
- Assistance to migrant populations in crisis due to disasters and other situations of vulnerability
- Consular assistance, care and protection
- Prevention of irregular migration
- Mixed migration flows
- Migration and family
- Migration and health
- Migrant women
- Migrant children and adolescents
- LGBTI population
- Attention of people in mass migration flows
- Building capacity of and increasing access to international refugee / asylum protection systems
- Statelessness
- Assistance for persons subject of smuggling of migrants
- Comprehensive care for victims of human trafficking
- Effective response systems to emergencies or migratory crises
Chairing country:
- Current Chair: Belize (2024)
- Past Chair: Panama (2023)
Executive Secretariat (IOM provides technical cooperation and administrative support)
- Members
Member States (11 States)
- Belize
- Canada
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- United States
Note: Since its establishment only one new Member State joined the Puebla Process - the Dominican Republic in 1999.
- Observers
Observer Countries (5 States):
- Argentina
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- Jamaica
- Peru
Observer Organizations (13 organizations)
- Central American Integration System (SICA)
- Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB)
- Inter-American Commission for Human Rights (IACHR)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
- International Labor Organization (ILO)
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Office of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants
- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
- Partners
The Regional Network for Civil Organizations on Migration (RNCOM) [a coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from all 11 RCM member States]
- Meetings
- December 5-6, 2024, Belize City, Belize, 29th RCM Vice-Ministerial Meeting
- December 3-4, 2024, Belize City, Belize, Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM) Meeting
- October 10-11, 2024, Bogota, Colombia, 5th (V) Plenary Meeting between the RCM and the SACM
- September 26, 2024, San Salvador, El Salvador, 2nd (II) Forum of GCM Champion Countries in the GCM regional review context
- July 16-17, 2024, Belize City, Belize, Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM)
- June 25-26, 2024, San José, Costa Rica, 2nd (II) Regional Meeting for the Strengthening of Local Government Capacities on Migration and Human Mobility
- December 6 -7, 2023, Panama, Panama, Vice-Ministerial Meeting and transfer of the RCM Chairmanship to Belize
- December 4 – 5, 2023, Panama, Panama, Meeting of the RCM Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM)
- November 14-16, 2023, Virtual Event, Biannual meeting of the RCM Working Groups
- October 17-18, 2023, Panama, Panama, Meeting of Prosecutors' Offices specializing in the investigation and prosecution of migrant smuggling and human trafficking
- September 27-28, 2023, Panama, Panama, First Regional Forum “Good Practices for the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration” (with the GCM Champion Countries in the Americas)
- September 7, 2023, Panama, Panama, Meeting of Prosecutors' offices specializing in the investigation and prosecution of smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons
- August 23-24, 2023, Ciudad de Panamá, IV Plenary Meeting RCM-SACM [Joint Communiqué EN ]
- July 6-7, 2023, Panama, 5th Congress on Women in Migration Context
- June 6-7, 2023, Panama, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM)
- May 30-31, 2023, Virtual Event, Biannual meeting of the RCM Working Groups
- May 17, 2023, Lima, Perú, I Meeting between RCM-SACM Troikas
- March 9, 2023, Virtual Event, I Meeting between RCM-SACM Chairs and Secretaries
- January 17, 2023, Virtual Event, Chair’s 2023 Work Plan Validation Meeting
- December 1-2, 2022, El Salvador, The 27th (XXVII) RCM Vice-Ministerial Meeting
- November 29-30, 2022, El Salvador, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration
- July 14-15, 2022, San Salvador, El Salvador, The 4th Regional Congress on Women in Migratory Contexts: “Migrant Women: Agents of their own development, their families and communities”
- May 31, 2022, Virtual Event, 3rd Plenary Meeting Between the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) and the South American Conference on Migration (SACM)
- May 19, 2022, Virtual Event, “Defining regional priorities and sharing best practices – an innovative approach to migration governance in Central America, North America, and the Caribbean”. Side event at the 1st International Migration Review Forum (IMRF)
- April 1, 2022, Mexico City, Mexico, 2nd Preparatory Workshop for the 2022 International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) “The RCM and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration”
- December 2-3, 2021, Mexico City, Mexico, Vice-Ministerial Meeting
- December 1, 2021, Mexico City, Mexico, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM)
- September 23-24, 2021, Virtual Event, 3rd Regional Congress on Women in Migration Context
- September 9-10, 2021, Virtual Event, Bi-regional Plenary Meeting between RCM and SACM
- August 24-25, 2021, Virtual Event, Regional Conference on Migration and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
- July 29-30, 2021, Puebla, Mexico and Virtual Meeting, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM) and 25th Anniversary of RCM
- December 3-4, 2020, Virtual event, XXV RCM: RGCM and Viceministerial Meeting
- December 2, 2020, Virtual event, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM)
- November 16-17, 2020, Virtual event, Webinar series: Characteristics, best practices, preparation and approach of intra-regional massive flows
- November 9, 2020, Virtual event, Webinar on protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) for institutions and organization that provide humanitarian assistance and protection
- October 26, 2020, Virtual event, Event on the Best Interest Determination of Girls, Boys and Adolescent Migrants, Refugees, and those with Protection Needs
- October 14, 2020, Virtual event, Round table of RCM Member Countries on migration during COVID-19
- October 6-7, 2020, San Jose, Costa Rica, Workshop on Refugees and MIRPS
- September 30, 2020, San Jose, Costa Rica, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (GRCM)
- September 2, 2020, Virtual event, Virtual conference cycle: Labor Migration and Economic Recovery: Contributions from Businesses and Governments
- August 12, 2020, Virtual event, Training Program on Migration Policies
- June 24, 2020, Virtual event, Event on the Best Interest Determination of Girls, Boys and Adolescent Migrants, Refugees, and those with Protection Needs
- June 4, June 11, June 18, July 3, 2020, Virtual event, Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) Online Regional Consultation of the Global Forum on Migration and Development
- March 24, April 29, May 20, June 24, 2020, Virtual event, Workshop “Best Interest Determination of Migrant and Refugee Boys, Girls and Adolescents”
- January 27-30, 2020, Virtual event, Meetings on RCM Working Groups
- December 3-5, 2019, San José, Costa Rica, Second Congress on Women in Migration: Gender, Human Rights, and Empowerment. Challenges and Perspectives
- November 13 - 14, 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala, XXIV Vice-Ministerial Meeting ( Charter
- November 12 - 13, 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration
- October 22 - 23, 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Workshop to homologate the best practices of consulates and ministries of foreign affairs in the search for missing migrants within the framework of the Regional Conference on Migration
- October 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala (TBC), Bi-Regional Plenary Meeting RCM - SACM
- October 2019, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Workshop on Migrant Boys, Girls, and Adolescents
- October 22 - 23, 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Workshop to homologate the best practices of consulates and ministries of foreign affairs in the search for missing migrants within the framework of the Regional Conference on Migration
- September 3 - 5, 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Regional Workshop on Labor Migration
- August 21 - 22, 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Workshop “The key role of coordination and knowledge management for the humanitarian assistance of migrants in disaster situations”
- June 25-26, 2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM) ( Strategic Plan )
- June 5, 2019, Mexico City, Mexico, Follow -up Workshop: Counter-Smuggling Work Plan of the RCM
- March 7, 2019, San Jose, Costa Rica, II Migration Health Workshop
- August 29, 2018, Panama City, Panama, Development of lines of action of the RCM to mainstream migration into the 2030 Agenda
- July 20, 2018, Panama, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM) ( Conclusions )
- June 25-26, 2018, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration ( Conclusions )
- June 7, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico, Workshop on prevention and assistance to displaced people and migrants across borders within the context of disasters
- May 23, 2018, Guatemala City, Guatemala, Workshop on the return, reception and reintegration of migrant and refugee boys, girls and adolescents
- May 9 , 2018, Montevideo, Uruguay, Plenary Meeting of the RCM and the SACM
- April 26, 2018, Panama City, Panama, Workshop on Consular Protection for Migrant Workers
- September 5, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico, Regional workshop on labor migration governance
- November 27-30, 2017, El Salvador, XXII Regional Conference on Migration.
- September 19-20, 2017, El Salvador, Workshop for the Validation of the document on Protection and assistance to migrant women.
- August 8-9, 2017, San José, Capacity building workshop on disaster displacement, migration and climate change for RCM Member Countries.
- July 17-18, 2017, Mexico, Workshop on Passport Integrity.
- July 12, 2017, San José, Meeting with Observer Organizations of the RCM.
- July 6-7, 2017, Mexico, Fourth Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Group on Extra-regional Migrants.
- June 29, 2017, Berlin, Work Meeting of the RCM and the SACM to develop Bi-regional Inputs concerning the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration (GCM) and Follow Up on the Efforts Relating to Extra-Regional Migrants.
- June 20-22, 2017, El Salvador, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration.
- June 19-20, 2017, San Salvador, Workshop “Child's Best Interest and Sexual Gender-Based Violence case management in migration and refugee contexts:“ Protecting Girls in the RCM Member Countries ””.
- June 8, 2017, Panama, Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Group for the elaboration of bi-regional inputs for the Global Compact.
- April 4, 2017, Washington DC, Regional Event to formalize the adoption of the campaing #DeadlyBusiness.
- March 30, 2017, Washington DC, Meeting of the Troikas of the Regional Conference on Migration and the South American Conference on Migration to develop a common position towards the negotiations of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
- March 29, 2017, Washington DC, Meeting of the Regional Conference on Migration to define guidelines for a regional position towards the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
- March 16-17, 2017, Honduras, First Meeting Liaison Officer Network for the protection of Migrant Boys, Girls and Teenagers.
- February 20, 2017, Virtual Workshop for dialogue and consultation on best practices in systems / platforms for registration of consular actions and cases of consular protection for their nationals abroad.
- February 1-2, 2017, Costa Rica, Regional Training Workshop: Protecting Nationals Abroad Affected by Crisis.
- November 15-18, 2016, Honduras, XXI Regional Conference on Migration.
- November 9-12, 2015, Mexico, XX Regional Conference on Migration.
- July 14-16, 2015, Mexico, Seminar-Workshop “Closing the gaps: Regional Seminar on Strategies to promote the Integration and the Reinsertion of Migrant People” and Dialogue of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM).
- June 24-27, 2014, - XIX Meeting, Managua, Nicaragua (Special Declaration (EN , ES ), Declaration ( EN , ES ), IOM Director General's Remarks ).
- June 24-25, 2014, Managua, Nicaragua, Meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration .
- November, 2013, San José, Costa Rica, Regional Consultation Group on Migration (RCGM).
- September 17-18, 2013, Costa Rica, Regional Workshop on Policies, Practices and Conclusions for the Return, Reintegration and Integration of Migrants.
- June 25-28, 2013, San José, Costa Rica, XVIII Regional Conference on Migration (first regular meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration, RCGM, and Vice-ministerial meeting).
- November 19-23, 2012, RGCM Meeting .
- June 18-22, 2012, Panama, XVII Regional Conference on Migration RCM Meeting (first regular meeting of the Regional Consultation Group on Migration, RCGM and Vice-ministerial meeting) .
- Documents
The RCM develops documents such as Declarations, Guidelines, Mechanisms, Protocols, Proceedings, Indicators, etc. Major RCM documents are listed below, more documents are available on RCM website (https://crmsv.org/en/publicaciones)
- Declaration of the IV Congress on Women in Migration Contexts 2022
- Extraordinary Declaration of the RCM before the International Migration Review Forum 2022
- Darien Declaration 2022
- The Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) calls for regional shared responsibility to manage migration and displacement 2021
- XXIV Vice-Ministerial Declaration (2019)
- XXIII Vice-Ministerial Declaration (2018)
- XXII Vice-Ministerial Declaration (2017)
- XXI Vice-Ministerial Declaration (2016)
- 2015 Mexico
- 2014 Nicaragua
- 2013 San José [ ES ]
- 2012 Panama City [ EN ]
- 2011 La Romana [ EN ]
- 2010 Tapachula [ EN ]
- 2009 Guatemala City [ EN ]
- 2008 Tela [ EN ]
- 2007 New Orleans [ EN ]
- 2006 San Salvador [ EN ]
- 2005 Vancouver [ EN ]
- 2004 Panama City [ EN ]
- 2003 Cancun [ EN ]
- 2002 Against Terrorism [ EN ]
- 2000 On Strengthening the RCM [ EN ]
Communicating Seal
- 2002 Antigua [ EN ]
- 2001 San Jose [ EN ]
- 2000 Washington [ EN ]
- 1999 San Salvador [ EN ]
- 1998 Ottawa [ EN ]
- 1997 Panama [ EN ]
- 1996 Regional Conference on Migration [ EN ]
- Strategic Plan of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) 2023-2026
- Guidelines on Assistance and Protection of Women in Context of Migration (2018)
- Counter-Smuggling Work Plan 2019-2020, Regional Conference on Migration (2018)
- Strategic Plan of the Liaison Officer Network for the Protection of Migrant Boys, Girls and Adolescents (2017)
- Common Indicators for The Registration of Unaccompanied or Separated Migrant Boys, Girls and Adolescents in Consular Actions by Member Countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (2016)
- A Guide to Effective Practices for RCM Member Countries: Protection for Persons Moving Across Borders in the Context of Disasters (2016)
- Regional Guidelines for the Comprehensive Protection of Boys, Girls and Adolescents in the Context of Migration (2016)
- Consular Protection Recommendations for Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Boys, Girls and Adolescents Including those in Need of International Protection (2016)
- Toward a Regional Mechanism for the Comprehensive Protection of Migrant and Refugee Boys, Girls and Adolescents (2015)
- Regional Guidelines for the Preliminary Identification and Referral Mechanisms for Migrant Populations in Vulnerable Situations (2014)
- Guiding Principles for the Development of Migration Policies on Migration Policies on Integration, Return and Reintegration of the Regional Conference on Migration (2014)
- Regional Guidelines for the Assistance to Unaccompanied Children in Cases of Repatriation (2009)
- Regional Guidelines for Special Protection in Cases of the Repatriation of Child Victims of Trafficking (2007)
- Contact Information
Executive Secretariat of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM)
Edificio Sabana Business Center, Piso 7, Boulevard Ernesto Rohrmoser
San José, Costa Rica
E-mail: crmst@iom.int
Social Media:
- Related Links